IF has changed my relationship with food

I started doing IF mid-March and it’s changed everything for me. Not only am I losing significant weight for the first time in my life but I feel way more in control of my eating.I went into a bakery yesterday. It was full of delicious sweets and I drooled over them all, thought “I want to eat all of these”, ordered a croissant for my son and a black coffee for myself. I didn’t even take a bite of his.I finally understand that it’s just food and although I may enjoy it while I’m eating it, it won’t do anything for me once it’s over. It’s not worth the two minutes of pleasure.IF gives me the power to say no and it feels so good! via /r/intermittentfasting https://ift.tt/2I2PmXj https://ift.tt/eA8V8J
