Need feedback. Anyone who has lost 10-15 lbs on a small frame? Progress seems slooow.

Hoping to hear others real life experiences who have needed to lose say, 10-15 lbs on IF 16/8.I have been on IF 16/8 for about 5-6 weeks. I really like IF, and feel it is a flexible way of eating for life. Small frame, 5'4". I am losing, however, it is pretty slow progress. Lost about 2.5 lbs so far, which I know is healthy to lose at that rate. I am mindful of calories. I eat 2 small meals a day during my 8 hours. Now that I am in my second month of IF I am hoping to start noticing more of a difference in both the scale and how my clothes fit. I do know I need to exercise more, and now that the weather is cooperating, hope to walk outside more.Anyway, I would love to hear from others who are in similar situation regarding what was your experience?What was your time frame to lose that much?When did you start noticing a difference in your clothes?Thanks, all! via /r/intermittentfasting
