Making my Commitment PUBLIC... need help/support...

Team,Endurance athlete here who has fallen off the keto/IF wagon far too frequently and for far too long over the last 8 months. 15 months ago I weighed 172 pounds with estimated 10% BF. Today, after bingeing all weekend, I hit rock bottom (top?) at 207 pounds and I'm seriously concerned that the buttons on my work shirt are going to spring off my chest. Enuff is fuxing enuff.My commitment until my scale reads 180 pounds:3 day coffee/tea only fast starting today to reset.Minimum 8 hours of sleep per night.I will only eat within 2 hours of the start or end of a workout and never after 8pm.No alcohol.Minimum 1000 calorie/day deficit, protein heavy diet to preserve lean mass.Should take me about 12 weeks to fix myself and reestablish 180 pounds as my ceiling weight.In the meantime, I will post my progress weekly. If I violate these rules, I will post here because public humiliation is a powerful motivator. I expect no mercy from this group. Pile on the shame if I let myself down.NO MORE EXCUSES.R/NB via /r/intermittentfasting
