I just started IF this week and have a few questions for more seasoned practioners

For context, I'm 41, male, and already in good health. I've been a vegan for a few years now, run, and lift weights. I weigh 154, and would like to get my body fat percentage down to 12% just see if I can, but the main reason to do IF for me is for the health benefits. I'm a complete noob and have been doing research, but still have some questions.▪I'm doing a 16:8 for now. The first night I stopped eating at 8 and planned on breaking fast at 12. Absent-mindedly, while making some salad dressing for the following day around 10pm, licked the back of the spatula. I kept to the original noon break fast, but should I have adjusted the time because of the lick of dressing?▪Do you fast every day or just some? I've heard both. I work in the restaurant industry with weird hours. Usually 10am - 5pm, but some days I'm there until midnight. For instance, yesterday I fasted for 17 hours until 1, then I ate until 9, but I stayed and had a beer after work. By the time I got home, at 10 I had a small sandwich, but this took me into a 10 hour eating window. Is doing this on inconsistent days negating any benefits?Thanks so much. I hope one day I can be one of you who can offer help instead of asking for it! via /r/intermittentfasting https://ift.tt/2IDllJT https://ift.tt/eA8V8J
