Finally just dove in headfirst

I “started IF” 2 weeks ago today, and have put on two pounds since then. I was waiting until 10 am to eat and eating until 8pm, sometimes 9 pm, putting creamer in my coffee, saying I’d wean myself off creamer, I’d work up to 16:8 from 14:10, doing 5 days of fast/2 days less strict, and yesterday I threw that out the window.I was never going to slowly stop using creamer in my coffee, so I just started drinking it black. Not nearly as bad as I thought. After 5-6 sips, I couldn’t taste the difference.I figured out that I’m not going to keel over dead if I wait 2 more hours to eat. I could compose a symphony with my stomach rumbles, sure! But I’m definitely not dead.There’s a wedding in November in Jamaica, and I’m using that as my goal line that’s well within view. There’s no reason why I can’t do this. It’s just food.I may be posting to a small crowd here, but this is mostly for my own accountability. Someone’s gonna read this and I don’t want to disappoint you! via /r/intermittentfasting
