My IF Tuesday

I'm different than most. Over 50 yo and weight comes off so damn hard. Just started IF(second week) and praying to God it works. This is my second week. I'm literally terified to weigh myself for fear that I'll become terribly demotivated.Type: waterContext 4:3 (Fast: M-W-Fr; Eat: Sun-Tues-Th-Sat)Length Goal is 36 hours per fast but so far only made it 24 hours per fast.Why? Weight loss, like 50 lbs.Notes I am sick of thinking about what to eat - feeling guilty about what I've eaten, craving sugar, WW/Jenny/Nutrisystem (ugh). So far, I have no problem fasting but have had problems going past 24 hours. By 24 hours I have a head ache and I'm really tired - it's hard to sleep at that point even though that would be through the lat 12 hours of the fast most of which would be sleeping (break my fast the next morning). I do struggle with what to eat on my eat days. via /r/intermittentfasting
