Idk why I’m posting this, it’s a confession I guess about how I’m learning my weight is gonna be an issue my entire life. I just need to make a commitment to myself to get back into the right mindset and I’m using this for that lol

So I’ve been fat my whole life and I accepted it. I was comfortable with being uncomfortable I guess. I didn’t think it was that bad. Then I stepped on the scale in my XL t-shirt that was getting way too tight and weighed in at 262 pounds. I started actually losing weight for the first time in my life. Over about 6-7 months I lost like 60 pounds. I weighed 204 pounds at my lowest which was a huge milestone because I remember being 205 my freshman year of highschool.Well about 3 months ago I fell off. I stopped exercising right when I started seeing some results. I weighed 204 pounds and you could actually see a six pack forming. My pecs started looking like pecs and not like tidys. My arms where getting definition. I remember how people were starting to look at me differently.Well I’ve gained a shit ton of weight back. I weighed in the other day at 221 pounds. I couldn’t believe it. Im technically obese again and not just overweight. This killed me inside and I’m promising to lose my first 1-2 pounds and become overweight again and never hit that obese level on the scale again. After the first 2 pounds I promise to hit my next milestone in however long it takes but I will be strict, back to eating healthy food for 6 hours a day and fasting the rest and working out at least every other day.I think I needed this to happen that I can never be “comfortable” for the rest of my life. This will always be a struggle for me but one day when I smash the fuck outta my goals I’ll remember how bad I feel in this moment and that will keep me motivated.I’m almost 21 years old and I’ll never be this fat again via /r/intermittentfasting
