I need some help

I feel like I need some motivation. I have been IFing 16/8 or 18/6 for a year and I have lost 40+ pounds (190 SW to 147 CW and I’m 5’ 3” female) and I look tiny right now fitting into a size 4 jeans (always been lots of muscle mass and large boobies) but I’m stuck around 147 and haven’t lost in about a month. What can I do to change that? Also looking for some people with the same stats as me, seems hard to come by. Thanks! (P.S. to anyone new, IF has changed my life completely, just because I’m at a stand still doesn’t mean that this lifestyle does not work, I will never go back) via /r/intermittentfasting https://ift.tt/2NPpjGI https://ift.tt/eA8V8J
