Finally broke my plateau after 2 yrs !!!

I've been dieting and gradually losing weight for about 8 years now. I went from 267 Ibs (130 kgs) to 165 Ibs (75 kg) with a calorie restricted "all you can eat " under 1200 cals diet.But for the last 2 yrs no matter what I did how much I excercise I couldn't manage to get under 165.At the end of last month I went on an OMAD low carb diet weighing 167 Ibs and in just 4 weeks I'm down to 160 Ibs (72.8 kgs) with no calorie counting no exercise and no effort !!Sounds like a minor loss probably but If you know what it's like to hard plateau then getting to your lowest adult weight ever you know what I mean ! I was jumping in joy literally after weighing in this morning.I just want you to know that fasting works and it's not even hard via /r/intermittentfasting
