Best way to get off sugar?

Hey everyone,

I’ve been wanting to severely decrease my sugar intake. I know it’ll help my cardiovascular health, my teeth, and my waistline in the long run. Currently I’m active duty army and currently deployed so a lot of the food available to me is either crap or loaded with sugar. I come home next month and want to be serious about my health and my physique. I’m currently 5’6” 165lbs and 16% BF. I think I can shed a lot of extra fat by getting rid of a lot of sugar.

Some back story on my current sugar intake: my father used to let me drink coke all the time. Averaging maybe 2-3 cans of coke a day if we had it. As I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten away from it a bit and maybe average 4 cans a week. I want to get rid of coke altogether. What’s the best way most of you have done this? Has anyone gone through this?
