The Foods That Make Up a Six-Pack Diet

Step one: Burn fat

Everyone has abs, but you won’t be able to see them if they’re hidden beneath a layer of fat. These will help you burn it off

1. Broccoli is a low-calorie food that’s packed with fibre, which will fill you up and help you to lose weight, according to research from the US Department of Health & Human Services.

2. Cinnamon can help to blunt insulin response in the body, stopping you from storing fat, says an American study.

3. Cheddar is a good source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which helps you to lose weight and build muscle, a Swedish study found.

4. Mushrooms are a great low-calorie way to add bulk to stews and pasta sauces, according to American research.

5. Sweet potatoes are a low-GI food and research from the US found they don’t promote fat storage by causing your insulin levels to spike, unlike normal potatoes.

6. Apples contain antioxidant polyphenols, which help to prevent your body from storing fat, according to a German study.

Step two: Boost your metabolism

This will cause your body to burn more calories, helping to make you lean and expose your abs

7. Green tea contains molecules called catechins, which have thermogenic properties and improve metabolism, a study published in the Chinese Journal Of Integrative Medicine found.

8. Chilli peppers are a great source of capsaicin, which helps to ramp up your metabolism, says a study in the American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition.

9. Blueberries can help to inhibit the formation of new fat cells by altering lipid metabolism, according to research from the Texas Woman’s University.

10. Grapefruit contains chemicals that reduce insulin levels, which in turn can cause increased metabolism, American research discovered.

Step three: Eat meat for protein

Eating plenty of protein is crucial if you want to build your abdominal muscles. These are all great sources, as shown by the amounts of protein they contain per 100g

11. Chicken 33g

12. Pork 32g

13. Lamb 36g

14. Duck 29g

15. Turkey 29g

16. Beef 36g. Grass-fed, free-range beef has the most reliably high levels of protein and other nutrients.

Step four: Cycle your protein

Varying your protein sources will give you a wider range of nutritional benefits. Here are some of the best non-meat sources and how much they contain per 100g

17. Tuna 30g

18. Parmesan 36g

19. Pumpkin seeds 33g

20. Eggs 12g

21. Peanuts 24g

22. Soy beans 39g

Step five: Reduce stress

Stress raises levels of the hormone cortisol, leading to fat storage – especially in the crucial waist area

23. Milk contains a protein called lactium, which helps reduce cortisol and lower blood pressure, according to a number of studies.

24. Oats are rich in carbohydrates, which boost serotonin levels in the brain and create a calming effect, according to research from Indiana University East.

25. Oranges contain high levels of vitamin C, which can help to reduce levels of stress hormones in the blood, American research has found.

26. Walnuts are high in fibre, antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids, all of which can help to lower blood pressure and stress levels, says research from Penn State University.

27. Salmon is a great source of magnesium, which helps to control cortisol levels, according to the Capital Region Medical Center in the US.
