Imagine being scared to eat potatoes?

Can’t really find anything online about this. But over the past few months, every time my wife has eaten potatoes, she ends up with not-so-great symptoms ranging from mild bloating to vomiting all night.

This has happened with fries at restaurants, roasted potatoes at home, meals her mom made, and essentially anywhere she’s eaten something classified as “potatoes”. We buy organic potatoes from the grocery store, but we eat out where produce definitely isn’t organic too. Different sources, different times of year, local farms, mass-produced potatoes. White potatoes, yellow potatoes, sweet potatoes, purple sweet potatoes.... you get it.

It took us a while to narrow it down. At first we assumed it was grease, or a not-so-great reaction to beef or other meats. But we slowly realized potatoes were the only common denominator.

The only thing making us doubt potatoes as the culprit: if sweet potatoes aren’t technically potatoes, how the hell would they have the same effect. White potatoes seem to be a bit worse, but alas, it all goes to hell with sweet potatoes too.

We both eat the same things, and I always feel totally fine while she’s vomiting or just feeling terrible at best, so we’ve ruled out chronic food poisoning. But no one on the internet seems to describe her reaction to potatoes.

It definitely seems like an intolerance, but what specifically could that intolerance be to?
