For those of you who want to reduce your salt consumption, my story may help

I’ve always loved processed food and fast food and all that junk, which is why quitting all that overnight was a mammoth task. But I did it. And I told my gf(who thinks I add too much salt) that I would need time to get to her level of salt(she adds a lot less). That started a month ago.

Anyway, on days when she would cook, I’d take a bite and just get really disappointed and annoyed because I couldn’t taste a grain of salt. I know I signed up for this but hey, what the hell, lol. And I’d add salt to my food and continue eating. Finally I got tired of telling her to add salt. So about a week ago I refused to add salt because I was sulking and just ate the meal.

And here is where things changed. About a minute in, the salt was not an issue anymore. I was suddenly perfectly satisfied with the amount of salt. I thought it was because I was eating a dish I liked a lot. And then the next day, the same thing happened. A minute in, i was totally okay with the amount of salt. It’s been a week of less salt now and it was a HUGE eye opener.

I am sorry if this is unscientific, but maybe salt is the first thing we taste? Maybe that’s why I was unhappy right at the first bite. I can vouch for the fact that with chips and processed food, the salt hits you like a baseball bat. I was able to reduce the saltiness by about 50% just by being patient for the first one minute. And since then I’ve realized that I can taste a lot of the awesome natural ingredients,spices, flavors. And now I think snacks are ridiculously salty, man.

I wanted to share this with those of you looking to cut salt, in case you eat too much of it. You should, it’s really bad for you in excess. I hope this helps you guys. Take care :)
