1200kcal CICO was torturous, OMAD made it so easy I didn't even realize.

I don't think this counts as a rant, but whatever.Backstory: A few years back, I wanted to lose weight so I did caloriecounting. My goal was (approximately) 1200 per day, and it sucked. I'd have a very small breakfast and be starving by the time I'd get to my 500kcal lunch. I ended up starting to bring my 500kcal dinner to work, because I wasn't able to keep myself from getting fast food on the way home due to hunger (or whatever). It was awful. I lasted a few months and although I lost a lot of weight in a short time, I easily fell off that wagon and not only gained all the weight back I also put on more than 10% extra weight.For the past two years I've been doing intermittent fasting, just cutting out dinner, and it's been working very nicely with an average of 2kg per month drop (when I actually keep to it). This week I made two big changes. First, my workplace does not allow us to use the microwaves or fridges due to covid and I was fed up with spending lots of fast food, so I bought pre-packaged sandwiches in the shops. Secondly, I cut breakfast and went into OMAD because I was just waking up too late to grab breakfast in the morning.Today I looked at the calorie contents of those sandwiches and realized that they're 500kcal each (and I eat two + a small bag of crisps at about 200kcal). I've been doing 1200kcal per day without even realizing it. It's been totally fine, because that one meal is so big that I don't even feel hungry before bed.Having a significant portion of my fast being while I'm asleep, and being in an environment where I don't have access to food, made lasting really easy. via /r/intermittentfasting https://ift.tt/3z5EZJo https://ift.tt/eA8V8J


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