IF OMAD tips that have helped me

There's a lot of great tips out there, but I think I've settled into my sweet spot and wanted to share in the event it's helpful for others.I OMAD at lunch - This means I am asleep for most of the mid-point of the fast. I've never been a breakfast person and sleeping then waking up is a bit of an energy/mental reset so it's not hard to make it to lunch for me.Swapped zero cal soda for Pellegrino during the day - I simply cannot drink plain water. I ended up in urgent care for dehydration once when I tried to quit soda because I just couldn't bring myself to drink enough plain water. Pellegrino gives me the same fizzy satisfaction with zero artificial sugar and keeps me hydrated.Drink no caf/decaf tea in the evening - Tea seems to help stave off evening hunger for me. I drink mint, decaf green, lemon ginger usually. Sometimes I'll use a packet or or two of Truvia in my tea as most of what I read indicates Truvia doesn't stop a fast for weight loss.I power nap after work - Sometimes I just need a reset/recharge and a 20 minute nap sets me up for the evening.OMAD lets me get a satisfying meal in every day - I can't split my calories into lunch and dinner. I just never feel satisfied by splitting my calories across two meals like in 16:8. OMAD lets me feel nice and full at least once a day so I don't feel like I'm starving myself. I try to eat a balanced meal, but I always have some sort of reasonable sweet bite in there.+Social engagement allowances - If I have dinner out with friends or fam, I'll eat a small lunch, and eat a normal dinner. If I eat a heavy dinner or those darned desserts get me, I do a half cal OMAD lunch the following day. It seems to balance my weight loss out within a few days.Hope that's useful! via /r/intermittentfasting https://ift.tt/w5URdlX https://ift.tt/AHrKkx7
