Got my labs back from my doctor appointment

I’ve been struggling since 2020 my doctor says is genetic but my body doesn’t rid triglycerides and so mine have been absolutely high and I’ve suffered a lot from pancreatitis which is hell plus my cholesterol is up there too. I see a specialist and they want to put me on a diet and I just wasn’t feeling that so I wanted to try fasting before I gave in because I was doing 30min of running and 30min of lifting weights almost everyday and wasn’t losing a pound. First I started with 18:6 but now I pretty much just do OMAD and I’ve lost 13 pounds already down 263 to 250 and my labs came back from my doctor. Last appointment I had was September of 2021 and I went back on the 12th of this month my total cholesterol has dropped from 186 to 86, my non HDL cholesterol went from 161 to 53, and my triglycerides went from 961 to 140 via /r/intermittentfasting
