To /r/HealthyFood participants - About some of the disingenuous whining going on in a few recent posts....

I've had a rough couple of days IRL so I'm not in the mood to mince words.

From the very top of the rules post

Welcome to /r/HealthyFood. This sub is for discussion of foods which may be considered good for us.

You might see something posted here which you don't believe to be "healthy". Understand that people come in a variety of shapes, needs, and points of view. What may be good for someone else may not be ideal for you. Some posts are people trying to learn by asking about their food and recipe improvement attempts. Don't get angry about it. Instead, offer advice and counter opinions respectfully and include links to support your claims.

and lower down

Don't make generalizations about the subreddit or its participants - It's not backed by actual data and is rarely accurate. Don't go there just because others did not emphatically agree or vote your way.

If you claim something is unhealthy, you MUST do so respectfully and provide a source (with links)

Food / Diet / Portion shaming is not allowed - Assumptions, especially by shamers, are frequently wrong. People don't all have the same goals. A picture may show something that is a rare treat or meant for more than one. It may contain healthy ingredients meant to appear as something else. Don't assume. Don't shame.

and yet, some people aren't getting it so we're going to repeat ourselves for those folks

  • Foremost, DO NOT whine about or berate anyone who comes here wanting to learn. The point of the sub is for people to help / inform one another. Whining that people want to learn or even calling them idiots for it is going to get you shown the door. To anyone with the thought here "People want some feedback / info. HOW STUPID!" Do you hear yourself??

  • DO NOT pretend the sub is all one type of post or comments or other baseless generalization just because a few others (often just one) dare to have differing points of view. Participation here happens in random waves / clusters of points of view. Sometimes more will agree, sometimes more will disagree and that is still true no matter how much you think what you are offering is an absolute fact.

  • DO NOT whine about downvotes and especially do not pretend one or two downvotes somehow means a brigade is going on or that (rolls eyes) the whole sub is just a front for (some diet agenda)...ffs

  • Posts of or about food are not required to be an embodiment of healthy perfection. People can post to inquire or share things that improve the quality of a recipe. Get over it if one or even a few ingredients don't meet your ideal. DO NOT bash anyone over the small things. If you need every post and comment to meet your absolute perfection standard then go make your subreddit of one. "but is has two drops of THAT stuff in it!!! here's my freakout level response!!!" Nope. You need to wake up or move on.

  • Keep in mind that if you are going to complain that people are not giving the right info here, then you need to come to the reality that you are the person who should provide the info you think they need to hear and like the rules and notices say, provide a source / link when doing so rather than gripe because people don't take your 'cuz I sed so' as a fact. Note how rare it is that people provide actual sources to help inform others and that those who complain about lack of the info they believe is needed rarely provide it. It is up to you to advocate for the point of view you think is needed in the conversation. The point of the sub is to provide others info. Sitting back expecting others to provide what you think they need to hear and then getting mad if nobody else does is not the way to go.

Engage in a sincere way here and don't be a dick
