6 weeks in and plenty to celebrate!

In 6 weeks in, 12lbs down. Sugar cravings are diminishing, heartburn is gone. My skin looks amazing! My hair isn’t falling out anymore (post covid issue) and I feel great. Along with IF I gave up soda and started eating a lot less processed foods. I’m currently on a 16/8 schedule and try to get 30 minutes of cardio in each day, or at least 5k steps. I wish I had known about IF much sooner. It’s been a gift to my insulin resistance and difficulty losing weight. I will say it was very slow getting started but then the weight started to melt off. I was pulling Up my jeans all day today. I’m feeling excited about this journey. SW: 334, CW: 322, GW: 165 via /r/intermittentfasting https://ift.tt/O6NT0Jc https://ift.tt/aRLu7JV
