/r/HealthyFood Rules - Be sure to go over this before participating in the subreddit https://ift.tt/SpBqTGO

Welcome to /r/HealthyFood. This sub is for discussion of specified foods which may be considered good for us.

What it is:

  • A place to discuss and ask about specified foods which may be considered good for us. The discussion should focus on the food, specific and actual food.

What it isn't:

  • A discussion of generalized food or artificial foods - Instead, name the specific food you want to discuss, specific meal, or specific ingredient
  • An open ended general diet analysis, or 'here's my problem so name a multitude of foods and recipes to fix my diet' discussion forum - You need to discuss your diet with a professional who, unlike participants here, can base their advice on test results, your medical history, and your eating trends / habits / issues
  • A replacement for a health professional - if it involves any kind of health concern, medical history, symptom, or test result, then ask a professional about it instead
  • A place to bash people who have questions about specific foods / food items
  • A place to bash people for not consuming something to your standard of perfection
  • A place to crusade

You may see something posted here which you don't believe to be "healthy". Understand that people come in a variety of shapes, needs, and points of view. What may be good for someone else may not be ideal for you. Some posts are people trying to learn by asking about their food and recipe improvement attempts. Don't get angry about it. Instead, offer advice and counter opinions respectfully and include links to support your claims.

Educate, don't berate.

The Rules of /r/HealthyFood

The rule titles below are sufficient for 99.999% of participants. Unfortunately, the added detail for each rule has made this lengthy. Thank all the rule lawyers and bad actors out there who made it necessary.

1) Reddiquette+ is required. Don't be a dick

  • Disagreements are fine but personal attacks and insults are not. Trolling, insults, or antagonism towards participants, moderators, or even the community itself will result in a ban.
  • No witch hunts or vote complaining
  • No complaint posts or comments about this or any other subreddit. Use modmail to discuss concerns about rules and moderation.
  • Don't make generalizations about the subreddit or participants - It's not backed by actual data and is rarely accurate. Don't go there just because others did not emphatically agree or vote your way.
  • Avoid rude non-constructive comments - do not call someone's food disgusting or gross or make any other non-constructive criticisms
  • If you claim something is unhealthy, you MUST do so respectfully and provide a source (with links)*
  • Food / Diet / Portion shaming is not allowed - Assumptions, especially by shamers, are frequently wrong. People don't all have the same goals. A picture may show something that is a rare treat or meant for more than one. It may contain healthy ingredients meant to appear as something else. Don't assume. Don't shame.

IMPORTANT NOTE: how angry / right / informative you think you are is never an exception from the rules. Being a dick does not succeed in anything except you coming across like a dick. It doesn't change minds or get anyone to consider your point. Walk away if you are upset. Report it if something violates the rules.

Educate, don't berate.

2) No dietary activism / crusading

Diet wars and diet crusading are NOT welcome in this subreddit. Being a diet fan is fine. Being either a jerk fan of a diet or a jerk anti-fan is not okay. DO NOT;

  • engage disrespectfully towards other diets / beliefs - It's fine to disagree. Be informative without being rude
  • engage in diet crusading or food shaming - instead, post an example of what you think is good
  • downvote due to someone's diet preference
  • promote or argue ethics and morals - this is often intended to be inflammatory or shame and is always off topic from the focus of this subreddit. Morality and ethical labels do not change the nutritional aspects of food items.
  • promote diet absolutism - your favorite diet is not the only healthy one. You CAN say "it is best for me" and explain what your favorite food approach emphasizes nutritionally.
  • make specious claims - claiming a diet cures a chronic illness is not allowed. Saying it "can control the symptoms of" is fine if that is truly the case
  • engage in pitchforking or brigading - either towards this subreddit or any other, its posts or comments therein
  • bias whine - "I'm downvoted because I'm (name food POV)" kinds of things are just shit stirring and hollow attempts at playing victim / martyr
  • excessively advertise a diet based subreddit - avoid promoting a related sub no more than 1/10 of your activity

Anyone can present their dietary POV as long as they do so respectfully and abide by the rules.

3) No self-promotion outside the Pantry Post

This sub is under constant bombardment from spammers / self-promoters. The moderators do not have the time to be wishy washy about this. Only one option is available for promotion. Anything outside of it results in a ban.

Do not make posts or add comments to posts of others which discusses, links to, or includes content from anything you are affiliated with, your own works / article / blog / site / youtube channel / survey / funding drive / social media account / etc. Any violation of this rule will result in a permanent ban. The ONLY place in the sub to promote is the comments section of the subreddit 'Pantry Post for Self-Promotion' found at the top of the sub.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Again, any violation of this rule will result in a permanent ban.

4) Post quality requirements

Posts must be on the topic of healthy food, actual and specific food. The following are not allowed;

  • general diet topics including diet analysis requests or offers
  • vitamins and supplements, powders, or any other form of food / meal replacements
  • any past, current, future, or potential health concern / issue (physical or psychological), testing, medical condition, illness, procedure, treatment, a diagnosis or advice from a professional, etc. These kinds of questions should be directed to a physician, registered dietitian, or other credentialed / licensed health care provider. No appeals and no rewording to resubmit
  • specious cure claims, especially any content involving claims about a "cure" for diabetes or cancer
  • blogspam or non-substantive blogs - Blogs and articles which are simplistic, lack substantive content, or just summarizes other content will be removed
  • subreddit and moderation gripes about this sub or any other. Use modmail instead

For image posts / sharing your food

  • The poster must add a comment which states 1) what about the food would be cause for it to be considered "healthy" OR state their diet type / macro goals and 2) provide an ingredient list or recipe. This rule update was announced HERE
  • The food shown and the picture of it must both be yours. The image may not be from your site, blog, article, video, or social media account
  • No memes, infographics, or other any other kind of images with text on it, including food / nutrition labels

5) No YouTube

Due to the extremely high rate of YouTube links either being spam or off-topic, links to YouTube and references to it are not allowed and will be removed. Don't discuss content there or identify channels / videos. Anyone who tries to end run the rule by suggesting where to find the video (or any other method) will be banned. We mean it. No youtube.

6) New, low karma, and underage accounts are restricted

New accounts and those with negative karma cannot post in this subreddit. Let your new account age a bit while you get to know the subreddit and comment on other posts. Accounts with negative karma will not be able to post or comment here.

Dietary advice posts are not allowed, especially from those under 18 years of age. Do not give dietary advice to those under 18.

...and that may not cover everything

Though this is extremely rare, posts and comments may be removed and accounts may be banned at moderator discretion and for reasons other than those stated in the rules. It is not possible to provide a rule for every potential problem. For example, there is no rule regarding nuclear secrets yet we would not allow posts or comments about them in the sub. The best advice we can offer on this is; Don't be a dick in any way

About modmail and appeals

To be blunt, we currently only have less than a half-dozen human mods and over 2.5 million subscribers. The spam we get hit with requires most of the volunteer time we have to give. We simply don't have time to wade in the mud of bad faith engagement.

When modmailing, bad faith interaction and especially being dishonest, disingenuous, rude, antagonistic, or indignant will always be counter productive and will dead end the conversation. Instead, be honest and straightforward, be aware of the rules, and have self-awareness if you violated them. If you have a heated chip on your shoulder, take some time before responding.

The only consideration for appeals is whether you followed / will follow the rules or not. Things that are not a consideration and you should avoid bringing into it; votes, what other people or subs do, your intent, what something costs, the amount of help / info you think you can provide, your opinion of the rules, your favorite sweater, etc. It's about following the rules.

Before appealing a removal - read any removal notice, the rules, and the notice on the posting page. A post removal notice will provide the reason and state any options there might be.

Before appealing a ban -

  • again, take a breath and be civil, understanding that any antagonism or other bad faith engagement will end discussion
  • read any communications to you from the mod team including automod. The ban notice states the ban reason and provides a link to relevant context related to your ban (more than one comment or post may be involved than the one in the context link)
  • ban discussion and appeals are only handled via a response to the ban message sent from the sub. Do not create new modmail chains to discuss your ban
  • requests for immediate undoing of a ban because you are new or suddenly found awareness of rules and notices will NOT be granted. There is ample heads up about the rules and the need to follow them. There are no free passes.

Moderators needed

We'd like to add about a dozen moderators.

Working to make a positive place means dealing with the negatives so this is not 'fun'. You have to deal with pests and weeds and put in work regularly to have a great garden. If you want to help, have more than a year of history on reddit, can offer a little time every day, and aren't a dietary crusader, send us a modmail and ask about joining the mod team.

* About "that's unhealthy" comments - If you have a differing opinion from the poster or others in the comments about what is healthy, it's fine to disagree provided you A) help them understand your view by backing the claim with links to sources and B) avoid being rude about it in any way. Nobody is censoring you and in fact, we are striving for the opposite. We want you to effectively get your point across. We want people to learn from each other and to do so it should be a discussion based on science, not "because I said so", which is why we require the citation links. You get to give an opinion backed by facts and help others understand your point when you add links to sources. It is positive and productive and has an actual chance of convincing others to look at it from your perspective. It also gives the other party a chance to examine what you are basing your belief on and counter any possible misunderstandings you might have. Just commenting "that's unhealthy" is rude and does jack shit.

