Something beneficial that I've noticed almost a month into IF/OMAD that I haven't seen mentioned here yet...

... And mind you this is entirely anecdotal evidence with a test sample of one. That being said, for my entire life I have been a mosquito magnet. I could be outside with a dozen people around a bonfire, bug zappers and citronella candles everywhere, and I would be the o ly one swarmed by mosquitos. I mean I would come back from hikes and campouts looking like I had hives. It was just something that I accepted as my lot in life because I absolutely hate bug spray and none of the "homeopathic" crap worked.About a month into this lifestyle and I can't help but notice I'm not getting swarmed and bitten constantly. I have no idea why. Maybe it has something to do with a change in blood sugar levels or something? Something I was always sweating out? 🙅Either way, it's yet another benefit I'll chalk up to this whole lifestyle change. via /r/intermittentfasting
