M6'3"/ SW 217/ CW 202/ GW 192 lbs. 3-day clear liquid fasts alternated with 18:6 IF

I'm new to this sub. I started back in January at 217 lbs with a goal of reaching 192 by end of July. I failed. Lost 18 pounds and have been holding at 199 - 203 since then. CW 202 lbs.The plan going forward is to alternate between 3-day clear liquid fasts and 18:6 IF. Started a 3-day clear liquid fast today. (2 more days!) Then will shift to 18:6 until I feel up to the next 3-day clear liquid fast. Wish me luck! via /r/intermittentfasting https://ift.tt/ngKARPG https://ift.tt/WUNkSpq
