I feel like I’ve finally cracked the code! I think I can actually sustain this way of eating long term!

Im new to this community and to IF. I’m only 3 days in and I’ve got about 60 pounds to lose (CW: 217 GW: 155) I have tried and failed so many diets in the past and I have a horrible “all of nothing” mindset when it comes to dieting/exercise/weight loss. I’m trying to do IF plus keto.I wanted to try to stay keto today when eating with my family but temptation got the best of me and I ended up with a huge helping of potato casserole on my plate plus 3 homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for dessert.Normally this kind of “cheat” would totally throw me off my wagon and into a full on binge until I would start day one again next Monday.But, I had a realization that everything I ate was within my eating window and it wasn’t the end of the world and that by tomorrow I’ll be back in ketosis as long as I stick to my fasting schedule.This WOE has finally turned a switch in my brain that one meal won’t make or break me and I’m just going to continue carrying on as I was. I think I’ve finally cracked the code!Can’t wait to report back here in 30 days for my first progress update! via /r/intermittentfasting https://ift.tt/2KiBnXf https://ift.tt/c4m5UbJ
