I worked my way down to OMAD over the past 3 months, and now I feel like I just don't get hungry anymore. If that's normal, I feel like I could easily try some 24-48 hour fasts no problem, but my situation is so specific that I am having trouble finding info on benefits or risks.

Not sure if this is important to know: Age - 34, H - 6'6, SW - 378, CW - 323, GW 260 There's plenty of stuff out there for people who eat normally and then go a day or two without eating, but for someone like me who has only been eating one meal a day, is it a bad idea to do some longer fasts mixed in there? Is there more benefit to the opposite? (not fasting for a day or two) My brain is just really confused when it comes to food at the moment. For the last 20 years I've been overweight and subject to the cravings and binge eating. I still love food but I've replaced the constant thought of flavor, as dumb as that sounds, with other stuff (productive, not drugs). Idk where I'm going with this - I'm just a giant of a dude that is finally losing a huge amount of weight and my identity is being tested. via /r/intermittentfasting https://ift.tt/MBqOSXV https://ift.tt/VeiMY46
