24 hour fasting tips

Hello all, I've been working my way up to 24 hour fasting. I've been adding 2 hrs to my IF every month for the last 4 months. Started with 14:10, and currently on 20:4 then next month 22:2.I can't help but think about the 24 hr IF though, that I can't seem to get the timing of the eating period. I understand it's like an alternate day fasting, but I just can't understand that what if my fasting started at 8PM, that means I get to eat at 8PM also? That seems not ideal?Or do I just do the actual ADF where you fast for 36hrs and then 12 hours of eating period?Thank you in advance for all who will help! via /r/intermittentfasting https://ift.tt/Ss6FEGN https://ift.tt/EChefRF
