IF and exercise

Hey everyone, I have been doing IF for a couple of months and I love it. I think I lost around 10 lbs (5 kg) so far which is about 1/4 of what I would like to loose. IF has been amazing, I love the stress free lifestyle and the lightness in my body. With this great sense of wellbeing I started to move more...and more ....and more so I exercise like an hour a day, (run 3 times a week and stregth training the other two) plus it's getting colder so listening to my body, it feels like it wants more food, but I don't want to give up my IF lifestyle. I am sure there are many people who excercise more than I do and managed to keep their fast going consistently. Do you have any advice? via /r/intermittentfasting https://ift.tt/cBVfSir https://ift.tt/oROAI60
