Anyone else on omad being a lot more picky about what they eat?

Its probably an unhealthy relationship but I love food. I use it to cope. I love having the feeling of something in my mouth and then swallowing it and savoring the taste. Family thinks meals are a means to an end (to live) but I actually want to enjoy food.But since I started OMAD I now am a lot picky about what I actually eat. Whereas before I would be okay eating at a less than ideal food place, now I actively want to make sure the only meal I eat, I actually enjoy eating.Like before with my coworkers I would just eat with them at a place that's whatever just cuz it's lunch time and socialish event but now I don't even eat with them cuz I don't particularly enjoy the food there (also omads at night and rather spend the meal on something I really enjoy). 2 nights ago during OT I actively sought out the place I really wanted to eat at rather than with my boss cuz that shop was mid.Also I used to just eat stuff (esp junk food) I don't find particularly delicious but finish it anyway but now I'm like fuk that. If it sucks I'll refrain from finishing.Down side is that if it's something I like a lot I'll eat a lot of it. Probably to my detriment. via /r/intermittentfasting
