Does IF correct how we “feel full”?

Hi all, first time poster here. I’m on my first week of IF 18:6 as it suits my day to day a bit better. Using the zero app and all that fun stuff. Im enjoying the first 6 days progress of losing initial water weight and such, very encouraging and motivating! So ya, this is day number 6 and something I’ve noticed is that I feel REALLY full after a fraction of what I normally used to eat. My question here is, what causes this? I get some people post about “shrinking stomach” and such, but after 6 days I doubt that’s the case. Just looking for insight. To put this into perspective: 2 weeks ago we made pasta for dinner. I easily had 130-150grams (basically 2 servings) and I could have definitely had more. I just finished maybe 50g of pasta, I had 2 hard boiled eggs to get some protein in after the gym and half a slice of calabrese bread and I feel disgustingly full. So is this a “shrinking stomach” situation or does IF help correct the way I’m perceiving fullness and hunger satisfaction… Either way I feel great otherwise, and Any insight is appreciated! via /r/intermittentfasting
