I just started and feel like it won’t help

Hi guys, I’ve been so inspired by some of your stories here so I thought I would take the plunge. I am doing 9 pm to 1 pm (16:8)Just started three days ago, first day I ate like a piggy but managed to drop 400 grams so I thought wow it really works. The next two days I ate less, assuming I would drop even more, but went from 104.4kg and am now up again two days in a row to 105kg I am really bloated, feel like if I even eat a strawberry I’m going to explode. I am trying to reclaim my health, it’s not great, but just wondering why my weight would go up when I’ve been fasting so much and eating less than I normally do. Thank you. via /r/intermittentfasting https://ift.tt/6zsbTY7 https://ift.tt/sjZpGOx
