What’s been helping me with sugar cravings

TLDR: sleep and gumI’ve been IF since Oct 19. It’s been pretty manageable and I’ve been able to maintain it. Most days I do OMAD eating chicken, beans, onions, cilantro, and tomatoes all in one bowl, with 2 tortillas on the side. It’s pretty boring I know lol and I do it everyday. I know that’s one meal that’s healthy enough for me to wanna eat everyday but it also gets me full to where I’m not craving anything and keep the OMAD going. But lemme shut up and get to why you’re really here. The past couple of days I’ve been craving sugar right after my meals. Let me backtrack a little bit and say I have been eating sugar here and there. More specifically a piece of candy or two once a week. Some weeks no sugar at all. Last week I caught strep throat so I’ve had more sugar than normal drinking gatorades, cranberry juice, slushees, and smoothies (this was all in one day). Which probably wasn’t the best choice I should’ve just stuck with water but oh well. Then the night before thanksgiving I did have a whole bag of sour patch kids, so I’m not on a perfect diet, but the diet has been good enough to where I remember what I “bad” stuff I ate and what day it was opposed to it all being a blur because I’m just eating the “bad” stuff everyday. But the past couple of days I noticed after I eat my food, I immediately want something sweet like some sour patch kids. Last night this happened and this happened just now after I finished my meal. What has helped me with these cravings is chewing a type of gum. For me it’s been a watermelon twist gum. Enough to kick the cravings of sugar to the point where I forget I wanted the sour patch kids. It may not be exactly the best, but it kicks the cravings and it’s barely any calories. I eat 2 pieces, which equals to about 10 calories at the most. I chew on that for about 30 - 45 mins and the cravings go away. So that may help for people craving something sweet after their meal or just in general. Also another thing that’s helped me is sleep. Last night I was craving some sour patch kids close to my bed time, but I have this saying : “sleep saves”. Sleeping will save me from certain bad habits whether that be scrolling on my phone mindlessly, or overeating because I can’t overeat if I’m sleep. Especially if I’m tired and already on the way to bed. Just go to sleep bro, then you’ll just have to wake up the next day and continue your fast. This is more specifically if it’s close to your bedtime. I’m not saying if you’re at work and craving a brownie just go home and go to sleep lol. Sorry if this was long but this may help somebody with a similar story/problems. via /r/intermittentfasting https://ift.tt/0NzKwVZ https://ift.tt/W9XEQF7
