Lost 10 pounds and I still feel the same

I’m 5’2 my weight has always flucated within the early 140’s. Following some unhealthy eating habits at the end of last year I was touching 152. I’m now 139 since IF’ing 6 weeks ago. But I don’t feel it I still feel the same as I was at 152. I feel big and uncomfortable in my self. I sometimes see the changes depending on the clothes I’m wearing but for the most part I feel the same size as I was at 152.My body image is starting to consume me now. I’m scared I’m on a slippery slope. I feel like restricting myself to a calorie deficit that is dangerously low. I don’t know … I just feel so dejected via /r/intermittentfasting https://ift.tt/9CHp4vx https://ift.tt/hlvrDV4
