Just broken through the 300lb barrier for first time in about 9 years!

I am super excited! I started IF (18/6), bought myself a decent gym spec eliptical trainer, started sticking to 2000 calories a day and ice bath.Started eating between 6pm and midnight ( i work from 6pm until anywhere between 5 and 7am as a truck driver for a UK Supermarket), eliptical cross trainer workout 5 days a week, followed by ice bath, and have dropped from 350lb to 299lb in that time.During that time, ive had a particularly boozy 50th birthday weekend with party and lots of food, including cake!!!I also went to a friends 50th birthday party 2 weeks before mine, plus a BBQ last weekend where i drank about 6 bottles of Peroni and sank countless hot dogs, burgers and other bits, so i havent been perfect by any means.I limit my cheat meal and or chocolate or other naughty fattening stuff to Sundays only. Good luck to all you guys and girls - dont give up! If a foodie like me can do it, so can you all! via /r/intermittentfasting https://ift.tt/ZM86lT4 https://ift.tt/rJpxck5
