
Showing posts from July, 2020

Brunch: Chicken salad on whole wheat bagel with salad

F/22/6’1” [330lbs > 222lbs = 108lbs] 2 years of hard work and about 25lbs to go!

F/22/5,5” [202 > 160 = 42 lbs] (1 1/2 years) first post! this is kinda old. ive gained 20 pounds after a break up and then quarantine, but I’m getting back on track!

F/16/5’4” [153>125=30 lbs] I’ve never been more proud of myself. Yay!

F/22/5’2” [245lbs > 134lbs = 111lbs] I was 245 in the first photo but when I officially started my journey I was 234. So thankful for being healthy now.

Zucchini pizza bites with marinara sauce, mozzarella, basil and parmesan cheese.

Exactly one year OMAD, 10k steps a day, calisthenics. 29m...never looking back

F/22/5’6” [152.5 to 145] (5 months) it may not look like much, but this is the first time I’ve ever been active/fit so I’m stoked. Just switched from doing at home workouts to heavy lifting at the gym this week - looking to bulk up!

F/21/5’5” [212 > 150 = 62 lbs] (2 years) caught myself in the mirror post workout and had to share my stomach progress!

8 months of progress! Same pose. SW:280 CW:244 GW:160

M/30/6’4” [390lbs > 198lbs = 192lbs] Took 5 years. Small incremental goals. Effort waxed and waned throughout but I eventually got there. And then became a dad!! Very fortuitous timing 😊😊😎

F/22/5’8 [158 - 143 = 15lbs] Marking my one year of serious lifting! Lost weight and my blue hair lol but more importantly gained muscle, confidence and a sustainable fulfilling lifestyle:)

Skillet Lemon Chicken & Potatoes with Kale

27/5’1/F back one more time now that I’ve hit my goal weight! SW:195 CW:107 I never thought I would be able to do this but here we are, if I can do it so can you!

Your Daily Intermittent Fasting Thread

Thai style pork with rice noodles, veggies, and fresh mint. So refreshing.

Down by 43lb+. Recently started fasting 18:6 (5days ago). Working nights in a psychiatric hospital presents its own calorie based challenges sometimes though.

Face gains from 168 kg to 90 kg

M/50/6’0” Intermittent Fasting 16:8 and a basic gym workout plan.

16:8 and lost 12kg in 8 months, i think it was the easiest kind of diet to cope with my once deteriorating mental state which led to the left pic.

F/34/5’5 [191>152=39lbs] Got hit hard with depression. Took me 5 years to realise it and 2 years to lose the weight. Feeling much better and almost reaching my goal weight!

Lamb kofta, homemade hummus, steamed sweet onion, mushrooms and asparagus! Also a few leaves of romaine lettuce.

F/19/5’5 [107 > 125 = 18] I think I finally grew a bottom!

Pork tenderloin and arugula salad.

M/25/6’0” [258 > 182] About a year and a half and a few hiccups along the way. But I’ve never been happier to empty my wallet for a whole new set of clothes.

NSV: Today I fit into 34” waist Levi’s that have been in my closet since they last fit in 1998. I am beyond thrilled. Thanks for all of the inspiring posts on Reddit!

M/39/6’ [451>251=200lbs] I share this to let anyone needing to fight this fight know it’s possible. It always felt like making any dent was an overwhelming goal and was too much to bother with, but I promise you it’s not!

I made this hole 7 month ago before I start IF, today and 21 cm later I made this new one because it didn't fit anymore

NSV: A1C average blood sugar is down .3 in 4 months. Officially no longer prediabetic!

F/32/5’4” [154 > 132 = 22 lbs] Maintaining has been a challenge during quarantine but I’m proud I’ve kept 20+ lbs off for almost 2 years. Still shocked by these face gains!

M/25/5’11” [320 > 170] After a little over a year, I’m almost half the man I used to be

F/28/5’1” [158lbs > 122lbs = 36lbs] Every year I host a “tropic gothic” themed costume party. Here’s last year’s look vs this year’s (don’t worry, this time the party’s just for me and my roomies)!

I had to wear dress clothes for the first time in months this week. And I looked ridiculous in all my pants that I used to have to stretch to fit! (26F 5’3” SW 172 CW 132)

Favorite Food Friday

Your Daily Intermittent Fasting Thread

F/24/5'4 [158lbs > 125lbs = 33lbs] (17 months) Exceeded my goal by 10 pounds

Homemade veggie egg bake!

Face gains! Above left is April 4th 2020, above right is July 28th 2020. The difference between me and Shrek is I didn’t have magic to aid my transformation

[Homemade] Simple lunch idea - fresh tomato, mozzarella, chicken wrap with olive oil, red vinegar dressing

F/21/5’7 [195lbs > 155lbs = 40lbs] I’m ecstatic about my progress lately! Only need to lose 10 more pounds to hit my goal weight, then I got to tone up. The confidence is coming back!

F/29/5'2" [282 lbs> 232 lbs=50 lbs lost] (9 months) And I was getting frustrated that I couldn't see a difference!

My best dinner in a while-really starting to enjoy cooking, and clean eating!

F/20/5'3" [90 < 135 = 45] (24 months) ED recovery- I used to starve myself to maintain "morning skinny" throughout the day. I was 18 and constantly sick in the first pics(migraines, vomiting, etc.) And now I'm almost 21, healthy, and packing on some decent muscle! 😁

F/24/5’4” [260lbs>164lbs=96lbs] Reached a new low today! Can’t wait to hit the 100lb milestone!

F/36/5’2” [220lbs>155lbs=70lbs lost] (2 Years) Single Working Mom Update: It’s not always about loosing lbs, sometimes it’s about getting stronger. No lbs lost in last month but lost inches. Forward momentum no matter how small, is always movement in the right direction!

Made it to One-derland! Down from 235 lbs to 193 lbs! I love 20:4 fasting!!!

Greek yogurt and blackberry popsicle :)

Two months into quarantine fitness routine, and I think I’m finally seeing a difference! F 5’2”. I’ve been doing 20:4 with occasional OMAD, 1200cal a day, running 3-5miles 5-6x/wk and Chloe Ting workout videos daily. GW 130lb.

F/19/5’4” [167lbs > 138lbs = 29lbs] One year of ups and downs... having a lot of trouble seeing a difference in the mirror and still really struggle with self esteem, but I’m trying :(

F/20/5’3 [180>120=50] I hit my goal weight!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

When life gives you figs.....🥧

F/18/5’2 [232 > 169= 63lbs] I started eating better and working out in the beginning of quarantine and honestly I didn’t take any before pictures because I didn’t think I would commit to it. But look at me now! Still wanna lose 30-40 pounds more ☺️

100% whole grain spaghetti for lunch

Non-Scale Victory Thursday

Your Daily Intermittent Fasting Thread

F/23/5’7” [300 lbs > 149 lbs = 151 lbs] I have been maintaining my new weight for a couple of months now. It’s always refreshing to remind myself of how far I’ve come and how much healthier I am now.

F/23/5’2” [156 > 128 = 28lbs] 3 months. I feel lighter (physically and emotionally) as well as a new found appreciation. Slowly and surely, I will prevail

Long time lurker here - a gentle reminder that not all IF gains happen overnight. This was 55lbs (220-165), took me five years of really patient persistence and discipline and macro tracking. Don’t beat yourself up if the weight isn’t flying off you - you can do it! Keep trucking!

Late night craving for peanut butter cookies led to this! Paleo, grain-free and refined sugar free peanut butter cookies!

M(33) SW:263 CW:228 down 35lbs 14 weeks GW: 200 Mostly 16:8 with a few 22:2s So glad I decided to take weekly progress photos. You can’t see the change day to day. These are about every 2 weeks

M/25/6' [203 lbs > 173 lbs = 30 lbs] (1 year) Trying to gain some perspective and appreciate how far I've come physically and emotionally

F/20/5’7” [240 > 180 = 60 lbs] Almost seven months and I’m feeling the healthiest I’ve ever been! I’m only 20 pounds away from my goal!!! :)

(Not picture perfect, but perfect for me) Homemade Veggie Tacos 😎

M/23/6’0” [298lbs > 245lbs = 53lbs] I haven’t lost as much weight as some you champions but I appreciate how the weight fell off and muscle packed on. It’s amazing what slight dietary changes and a healthy mental state does to your body!