Made a very important NSV

Full disclosure: I’m doing this for health reasons to feel better. Autoimmune diseases suck, and this isn’t to take me off any medications. If i lose weight, great. Being doing 12:12 for a few weeks now, and on occasion 14:10 and even 16:8, and starting to feel better. Im doing this combined with FODMAPs awareness, probiotics, IGG, and increasing fibre in my diet. Today is the first day that my stomach doesn’t hurt at all after eating! Omg all day I’ve felt like I’ve been punched in the stomach after eating. I feel human! Also, my pants fit. It doesn’t feel like it kills me to wear my jeans anymore :)Tomorrow is going to probably be my first 18:6 day, because i have a massage in the morning. And getting a massage with food in your stomach suuuucks. So victory! And i feel like celebrating some other way other than food. via /r/intermittentfasting
