
Showing posts from April, 2020

M/39/5'8" [205>175 35lb loss] 18 Month Progress

Starting Weight 258 Current Weight 206 Goal Weight 185 on and off IF/Keto/ and HITT 4 months

F/20/5’5” [153>140 = 13lbs] face progress pics!

M/21/6’1” [348 > 228 = 120 lbs] Since May 22, 2019. Looking to get down to 185, but needless to say I am very happy w my progress.

** RULE ANNOUNCEMENT ** PLEASE READ **: The "More Than Midriff" Rule

Glazed salmon, apple/ cabbage salad, and sautéed squash and spinach!

same dress - 22 lb difference. first pic: 270 lbs // second pic: 248 lbs

One of the best pizza I’ve ever had. The whole thing is under 500cal (35g protein) with a real pizza dough!!!!

Dinner salad with Millet basil salmon lime mango jalapeño shrimp swiss chard red onion fresh corn #norecipe

Avocado and boiled egg toast, sitting pretty on my handmade wooden coaster😋

SW: 180/ GW:140/ CW:(?) need my scale to come in. 5’9 and this is 4 months postpartum. Been doing IF for 2 months.

(break) Fast Food Friday - Your weekly delicious breakfast meals thread

Your Daily Intermittent Fasting Thread

F/27/5’10” [330 > 261 = 69 lbs] I'm a MtF transgender woman and wanted to share my progress! 9 months hrt and 6 months sober!

F/21/5’10 [182 > 145 = 37 lbs] in 3.5 months so far. A little embarrassed about the before picture, I dit NOT feel positive about myself there and this picture wasn’t even taken at my highest weight. Fast forward to now, I still have a long way to go but feeling better day by day. NSFW!

19M. 5'11. 197lbs------>162lbs in ~4months. Final goal of 155lbs by late June. It was tough, but worth it.

*update* 20 Days of IF , started 16:8 now 18:6

F/28/5'3" [165lbs > 115lbs = 50lbs] (6 months) keto & IF changed everything for me! Just 10 away from my gw!

Preserved lemon, chicken and olive tagine

I fried eggs for Breakfast

Fruit plates and cheese. Yummy. The happy colors make it easy to eat healthy 🍓 🍉

One month of IF. I can't wait to see the difference the next month makes! I mostly do 20:4 with some 18:6 and CICO. I also walk ~5 miles a few times a week. I haven't weighed myself because I tend to obsess over the number and I want to focus on how I feel

F/22/5’4” [165lbs > 128lbs = 37lbs] the transformation was very slow and gradual. 2 years later & i feel a lot more comfortable in my own skin :)

F/27/5’0 [127-115=12 lbs lost] I know it doesn’t seem like much but every pound makes a difference on us shorties. Got my depression and anxiety under control and the weight loss was just a lovely side effect.

Progress is slowing but today I really noticed a difference in the mirror. Take pictures!!! Left is 231lbs (5/12/19) right is 184lbs today.

Monthly Goal Set! -- May 2020

Finally hit 15 lbs down! I aim for 18:6 - 20:4 and 1200-1400 cal most days. 22F 5’3 SW: 170 CW: 155 GW: 140ish

F/23/5’10” [218lbs > 150lbs = 68lbs] 2 years later and I have a jaw line!

Grilled Chicken sandwich with 3oz of fries and mangoes

F/30/5’7”[275lbs-155lbs=120lbs] My entire life I’ve been overweight, I finally feel comfortable in my own skin.

My breakfast

Easy Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps with spicy mayo!

14 months over a 100 pounds difference. Still have a little bit more to go.

F/28/5’3” [175 > 130 = 45 lbs] I traded substance abuse for fitness.

F/28/5’6” [230 > 150 = 80lbs] Trying to stay active during quarantine is tough but worth it!

Never in my life did I think I’d look or feel this good, thankfully I found IF and now for the first time in my life I’m working to gain weight

Your Daily Intermittent Fasting Thread

My go-to filling breakfast. Can't imagine life without Everything but the Bagel seasoning!

Our breakfast: Toast with greens, cucumber, fish and egg

From 'I will bite you' to 'I will fight you'! Info in the comments

Buddha bowl lunch ☺️

I've posted here a couple times and the support from you guys is so motivating, thank you! This is my most recent update on my now 12 month journey X

Was shocked when I finally put the photos side by side.. 25kg/55lbs down! 28/F/157cm or 5’1. November 2018 to April 2020. [ 111kg -> 86kg ] OR [ 244lbs -> 189lbs ]. Mostly 16:8 but been doing OMAD the last 24 days and have lost 7kg just during those 24 days.

F/26/5’5” [165lbs > 130lbs = 35lbs] Down most of my pregnancy weight!

Late night munchies 🤤

30 pounds down since January! Still have a ways to go, but I’m feeling better in my body! 5’8” SW: 180 CW: 147 GW: 130

Around two weeks of 16:8 and exercise. Not a huge difference but I have lost about 6.5 pounds!

F/23/5’4” [235lbs > 164lbs = 71lbs] Couldn’t even find a back pic from my highest weight, so before pic is at 220 or so!

First 24 HOUR FAST COMPLETE !!! Thanks for all y’alls support earlier ✊🏽

F/24/5'9" [165lbs > 156lbs = 9lbs] (6 weeks) Half way through a cut, keen to see myself in another 6 weeks!

{Homemade} Protein Cheesecake....180 calories: 20g protein 16g carbs 4g fat per slice

Been following this sub for a while, but decided to jump in 2 days ago!!! SW: 225 CW: 225 GW: 150 GW2: 130. I have about 100 pounds to lose. Need all the inspiration I can get.

M/22/5'8 [235>140=95] Posted a few months ago but my face was in neither picture. I'm so proud of this.

F/25/5’9” [400+ lbs > 302 lbs = 100+ lbs] Almost halfway to my goal! Let’s do this.

Oven roasted potatoes with shrimp and green beans (from frozen) 447 cals :) new to cooking healthy.

F/36/5'5" [258>196= 62] quarantine has been tough. I haven't gained but I haven't continued to lose and my fitness has been a real struggle. But I continue to remind myself of just how far I've come! Just bc I'm stuck at a roadblock doesn't mean I haven't driven half the way :)

F/30/5’4” [201>150=51 lbs down] in 6 months. Feeling my best ever in my 30s!

F/24/5’3 [160>138 = 22lbs] Might be time for a new skirt

Witless Wednesday - Your weekly silly questions thread

Your Daily Intermittent Fasting Thread

F/25/5’4” [162 lbs > 108 lbs = 54 lbs](almost 4 years) Still on a diet. Planning to focus more on building muscle.

F/20/5’8” [200>150=50lbs] Started out at 220 as a 14 year old and finally feel okay with myself

9 Months of Fasting, Finally down to my 200 goal weight. SW:321 CW:200

[homemade] swedish meatballs 🇸🇪

F/21/5'7" [96 lbs > 123 lbs = 27 lbs] Recovering from anorexia, spent last year getting my life back. Now in a relapse, and could use some encouragement to get back here.

Do you love eating kiwi?

Been doing IF for 10 months. Generally 18:6. 212-->175. No Magrittes!

F/25/5’10” [362>239=123lbs] Yesterday I felt really insecure about my collarbones not showing. After putting this photo together, I’ve realized I’m so LUCKY for the things I’m able to do now, that I couldn’t do then. And collarbones are just collarbones.