Decided to share the progress of my corona project I took corona as an opportunity to finally loose weight again (done this 3 times in my life now) I started in April at 100kg and am now down to 82kg at 179cm.Im still about 3kg from my goal of 79 kg which would mean a "normal" BMI for pretty much the first time in my life during which my top weight was 120kg once and the lowest about 85kg.Longtime goal is staying somewhere between 80 and 85 kg and I'm trying to achieve this with weighing weekly and starting regulatory dieting at about 82 to 83 kg whenever I hit it.My diet was a strict 5-2 fast with no eating on Tuesdays and Thursdays and careful eating on the other days to not overeat. On top of that I would go on a run on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays starting at 2km and working up to 8km in the later months and do high intensity bodyweight training on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I should add here that I used to play football and still play flag football regularly so I did have a core fitness level. Those were some tough months and tbh I couldn't have done it without the corona lock down which allowed me to cook my own meals and not be influenced by social events. I stopped this strict plan at around juli/August when it was too hot to go running and I went out more with friends I still lost but way slower and now am stable for a few weeks without loosing but not gaining either. The plan is definitely to loose the last 3 kg slowly over the winter through definition. via /r/intermittentfasting
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