For My Records - starting OMAD Jan 2nd

I am an 81 year old male, 5'4", have been doing 16/8 for 10 weeks. Started at 181 lbs. I lost 11 pounds to 170 in the first 5 weeks and have been static there for the past five weeks, at or around 170 lbs. Every day the same weight. I am in good health for an old geezer and exercise 5 days a week with the 'senior' groups at the YMCA. Ultimate Goal is 145 lbs. so to beak the cycle and get off this plateau I will be starting One Meal A Day, eating in a hour period, on Jan 2 2022 and continue for at least 4 weeks. After that we will see. Hunger is not an issue with me at all.I am making this post mostly for myself so have something to refer back to when I forget (which I do sometimes). I'll add that IF has done wonders for my digestion and general well being. My GI track thanks me every day for giving it a break. Best wishes to everyone!! via /r/intermittentfasting
