All of the sudden I am starving an hour after I eat? Reasons why?
I did surface level reading, it basically said foods that can help hunger is salmon and fruit because of the nutrients er sum—both of which I have recently been eating. This smornin I ate a banana, an orange a lot of snacks, a bowl of leftover pasta, 3 bowls of chile, more snacks, a sandwich, and im still starving.
Could it be my age? Im 18, a dude, im not big at all, im roughly 160 pounds. I use to be fine with just rlly 1 meal a day and some other small scraps. But the past week im still starving after I eat a giant meal, yesterday my family and I went out, I ate salmon and rice, And finished my mothers plate because she was stuffed and was still hungry after we left.
Its not an emotional thing either, im perfectly stable mentally, although my sleep schedule is messed up from me waking up 4 times a night if that makes a difference. I want to ask you guys because you all act like intellectual know it alls. Im just lookin for some insight…
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