Can I get all the vitamins I need this way?
So I’m 18 and I mainly eat very fatty foods. This was just lack of really caring and just thinking “I’m young I can do whatever I want”. And most guys my age eat unhealthy foods as most of their meals and I wanna eat better. I realize I’m getting older and I need to properly fix this. I haven’t got the vitamins I need either for the same reasons. I’m kinda picky and I don’t like meats or vegetables but I love fruit and nuts
I wanna live off fruit but I know I can’t just live off fruit. But if I took all the vitamins I need, drank a protein shake everyday and mainly drank water. And eat a lot of fruit and nuts, is that a better idea than my current diet? And what else can I eat to be more filling
TL;DR can I get all my vitamins I need by taking supplements and protein shakes?
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