Help with getting Six Meals in a Day
As a skinny guy with a high metabolism trying to gain mass, I have been eating around 6 meals everyday. Most days it was 5 meals, sometimes 4...6 every now and then. I would eat a meal every 2-3 hours, each meal being high in protein. I have been seeing a big gain in muscle and also a slight gain in fat, which I'm not worried about because I knew it was coming.
My point is, this is starting to feel like a full time job and a big dent in my budget, as I am a 19 year old student. I also just started a job working 30 hours a week. This job doesn't let me have breaks, so I go 6-7 hours without eating, obviously leaving me starving.
How do I get these meals in more efficiently, especially when I am working a job that doesn't let me eat every few hours?
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