Help me pick my fasting window.

Hello Everyone! I (30F) have been doing IF 16:8 for the past three months and have seen great results (lost 14lbs so far) My eating window is 12-8pm which integrates well with my work hours. I am a techie, I carry lunch to work and I am back home in time to make dinner before 8pm. I have now started training with a personal trainer (been a week) in the AM (7-7:45). I feel super hungry post workouts so I have a protein shake and have my lunch/dinner in 12-8 window. I know this way I am breaking my fast. I want to continue with IF because I have seen incredible results but not sure how to accommodate it with new schedule. I want to lose 20lbs more to reach my GW. I do not want to skip lunch because that's my time to socialize with my colleagues. Oh and I have spin class in the evening on the days I am not training. Can someone please guide me? Thank you😊 via /r/intermittentfasting
