How do you guys do it? I try not to eat, then cave and binge.

I have been trying to build up to a more intense fasting regime.I had thought to myself, "I just won't eat until 2pm to start then I'll try and eat normally and then after I can do that I'll push it back later".The problem is, I get to about 12pm and my stomach is aching! Like feels like it's actually hurting. So I cave and eat to stop the pain. My brain literally can't focus on anything other than the discomfort.Then I will eat like 5 meals before 10pm. Like proper meals too. The same amount of food as if I had just eaten from the start of the day and sometimes more.How do you train yourself to do it? I really want to lose some weight and increasing my exercise wasn't doing it because I just eat more on days when I do exercise (because of the hunger pains).I'm feeling defeated and demotivated which sucks because I've been trying for about two months with no success. via /r/intermittentfasting
