Lost 13lbs with 90days of IF.. feeling empty

Weight loss post baby has been challenging for me given a tones of issues. Eventually decided to try consistency and landed with IF. I tried to stick with a 16 hour fast schedule, longer if okay and shorter if schedule didn’t work but started monitoring it to assess if 16:8 is feasible for me. Little challenging but for most part was able to manage it best next to 17:7. I lost a total of 13 lbs (SW153, CW 139.6, GW 130 goal weight 140 and then stretch at 135).Now that I reached my goal weight, working towards stretch goal. I have never been at my GW for long so that’s like an extreme for me.I feel so empty.. I don’t know what to do as in I can’t believe I am seeing under 140..I am feeling so meh.. will go for A1c testing later this week but any word or advice on how to proceed from here … via /r/intermittentfasting https://ift.tt/HhNt7Ca https://ift.tt/tsrVDCK
