How to get enough protein to maintain muscle mass while IF?
I have heard that IF can be effective for losing fat (not just losing weight, but losing fat specifically). I'm 5'11 170 lbs, and am cutting currently to lose body fat on a caloric deficit. I'm also lifting weights 3x a week (in addition to regular low intensity cardio) with a long term aim of building strength muscle. I am still a beginner lifter but focused on compound movements by following a proven program. Thus I am aiming to maintain whatever muscle mass I have currently (there's not much lol) by getting enough protein. I have used intermittent fasting in the past (with a 16:8 approach) to great success to lose weight- 75 lbs in about 5 months. Now, I am not looking to lose weight necessarily- 170 lbs is a fine weight for my height. But I do want to lose fat. I'm inclined to resume an IF approach, but how could I possible cram 170g of protein into 8 hours of eating? I can barely get to 170g by eating steadily all day long. Anyone have any tips. Do I just go crazy on protein in the 8 hours I'm eating? Protein shake after protein shake? It seems almost impossible to cram that much in, for me anyway. Thanks for any tips! via /r/intermittentfasting
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