Deeper rumble and pull than stomach growling
Hello. I’ve been doing 20:4 and OMAD for nearly six weeks and have only broken my fast early three times. I’ve lost about five pounds but am seeing and feeling major gains in other ways. Yesterday and today I’ve experienced this really intense pull in my stomach. The rumbling is like no stomach growling or hunger pangs I’ve ever experienced. I feel like I’m on the cusp of nausea, but mostly it’s really unnerving. It’s a deeper feeling, of that makes sense to anyone? I’m looking for reassurance, I guess. I can’t seem to get comfortable. Has anyone experienced something like this? Something somehow more than a growling tummy?I feel like this whole post sounds stupid when I reread it, but it’s the best I can explain. Thank you!Also I’ve been doing a clean fast, no exceptions, based on Fast, Feast, Repeat. via /r/intermittentfasting
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