How do you feel about cheat days?

I’ve seen that lots of people do a cheat day once a week, and then there are plenty of people who say it’s a no-no. I’m only a month into IF, and every Saturday, I have allowed myself to cheat and feel enormous guilt afterwards. I don’t weigh myself the next day but I do on Monday morning, and I’m always upset with myself, and then it takes all week to start seeing the scale move again. If you do have a cheat day, what does it look like? Do you still follow the eating window but relax on what and how much you’re eating, or do you let yourself eat whenever? I miss snacking on Saturday nights during a movie with my husband. My eating window ends very early in the day, so it’s something I want to do one evening a week without messing up my progress. I have been very diligent about following IF but feel like any deviation messes me up and it’s a bit discouraging. Just needing some guidance please 🙂 via /r/intermittentfasting
