
Showing posts from June, 2019

F/32/5’4” [165 lbs. > 125 lbs. = 40 lbs.] Face gains plus I fit into my high school prom dress! I don’t know why I still have it.

[Metamorphosis Monday] Share your weekly growth! - Monday, 01 July 2019

F/32/5’3 [157 - 142 = 15 lbs lost] CICO and IF for about four months. Haven’t been this weight in over five years.

So what are your daily super drinks to keep your body healthy?

F/21/5’7” [205lbs > 180lbs = 25lbs ] Lost this same amount of weight last summer, but I did it by starving myself and daily intense cardio. Now I’m ignoring calories and focusing on macros while weight lifting 5 days a week. Learning to love my body for what it can do not what it looks like!

Supportive family ftw

Delicious Mediterranean Diet Dish Loaded With Nutrients for ~700 Calories

F/21/5’4” [300>150 = 150 lbs lost!] Thank you veganism and free weights!

1 week of IF and eating 1200 cals! All my bloat is gone and I’ve lost 10lbs. In recovery from Bulimia Nervosa.

Breaking a fast the right way

F/20/5'2' [136lbs > 106lbs = 30lbs] all CICO, nothing else. this sub inspired me so much i though i had to share my progress here!

M/25/6' [612 > 378 = 234] (20 months) From not walking half a block to hiking 2.5 miles with my dog!

I have plateaued and I am happy.

M/20/5’10” [196 lbs > 171 lbs = 25 lbs lost] 18 months. I never strictly dieted, just ate less and slightly healthier. Not the most significant weight loss, but I’m so close to where I want to be!

F/27/5’7’’ [234>197=37lbs] (6 months) Same outfit, new me. Half way there!

F/26/165cm [78kg>60kg>55kg=23kg] After some time being at a plateu, I finally hit my weight goal recently! (NSFW)

From around 240 pounds (108 kg) down to 180 pounds (81 kg) in about 7 months. 20:4 during the first month and eventually switched to omad. 🙏

M/32/5’8” [216lbs > 160lbs = 56lbs] (8 months) I hit my goal weight! Now I’m very excited to be mixing up my routine and focusing more on strength building instead of fat loss!

Delicious lunch today. Greenbowl with avocado, banana, kiwi, chiaseed and strawberries

F/22/5'9" [240 > 190 = 50lbs] (12 months) I've been feeling really bad about plateauing in the last month but looking at this side by side with a picture I took last night, makes me realise that I should only be feeling mega proud of myself! 💙

F/25/5’3” [180>138=42 lbs] (almost 1 year) just a nice thigh/leg comparison!! I’m so proud of them!!!!!!!!

F/20/5’6” [165lbs > 142lbs = 23 lbs] Face gains! The left photo is February 2019, the right was today in June 2019. I’m amused by the difference lol

F/22/5’0 [227lbs > 137lbs =90lbs] 10 months ago. I remember being so embarrassed of the left picture. 22 lbs to go!

It's fine, I'm just shifting my window a few hours.

I’ve lost 45lbs in 1 year doing 16:8 and some OMAD days to offset cheat days. (SW-293 CW-248) I have about 20 more to go to hit my goal but I am happy so far. I have spent most of my life on some kind of diet. IF is working better for me than anything else. This sub has helped me a lot.

F/23/5’8” [183 > 167 = 16 lbs] photos taken exactly one year apart. It’s in the little details now

F/21/5"4 [190》157= 33 lbs] halfway there!!

F/21/5'6" [190>142=48lbs] the past 6 months have been really hard. Had alot of health issues and my weight melted off super fast. Looking for a healthy way to keep it off

100 pounds gone in 161 days. 174 pounds total since Thanksgiving 2016. 1000 calories or less and 23:1 Monday-Friday. Went vegan five months ago to jumpstart my weight loss and eat healthier. Pic is at my heaviest, 397 and my current low of 223. Still have a ways to go.

F/22/5'10" [250lbs > 180lbs = 70lbs] (12 months) I found a slightly better before and during! This was 5 days after I had my daughter vs. now! I was extremely swollen and I know a lot of the weight was from that, but I'm still pretty excited about the weight loss! Still a good bit to go!

F/23/5'6 [231 > 136 = 95lbs] the difference between 95 lbs and a tan :)

Been fat my entire life. Down 2 pants sizes and a shirt size. 234>187 6 months

28lbs down since May 1st with a hellll of a lot of cheats. SW: 232.8 CW: 204 GW:180

M/33/5’11” [469.2lbs > 192.5lbs = 276.6lbs] (3 years) I think I’m plateau in the 190’s but better than I ever thought possible 3 years ago.

That walk to the kitchen at the end of your 23:1

F/34/5'3" [170lb >125lb = 45lbs] F/34/160cm [77.2 > 56.6 = 20.6kg] (1 year) Lost 17kg (37lb) in the first 6 months, it took the next 6 months to get the final 3.6kgs (8lb) - The plateau is real! All progress accomplished through CICO

M/27/6'2" [315lbs > 199bs = 116lbs lost] (16 months) From flabby and awkward to less-flabby but still awkward in about a year and a half. Words cannot describe how good it feels to have my full range of mobility back and not having to worry about joint pain anymore👌

M/33/5’10” [275 lbs > 165 lbs = 110 lbs] (3 years) I can barely recognize myself from three years ago. But today I will be running my fourth Tough Mudder and the version of me on the left would only run to the door when the pizza delivery came.

Lets talk about this sensationalized article about Anti-Oxidants. Can we get the facts straightened out?

F/30/5'4 [286lbs>145lbs=141lbs] a year and 1 month....sometimes I can't believe that used to be me! How did I ever let myself go so badly?! After having 3 kids I look my best ever!

OMAD & IF 16|8 one month, I see some progress

3 months down. 18:6 with one or two 24s a week. Walking and home workouts. Amazing what some encouragement and healthy eating can do. Thank you all!

Anyone here loves​ papaya too? 😍 7 super easy recipes to enjoy papaya

Curious to learn how Japanese food helps skin glow?

F/22/5’2” [180>145=35lbs] it felt great to put these side by side :,)

Little Friday night midnight snack 😋

M/25/6'4" [285lbs > 194lbs] I was told for the first time that I don't look like my driver's license photo!

F/25/5’6” [230lb > 196lb = 34lbs] first pic is me about a year and a half ago, strung out on heroin Xanax and cocaine, also using food to fill my depression, too much makeup to hide away my insecurities. Second pic is me yesterday , over six months clean from drugs and happy with my natural self

[Support Saturdays & Sundays] Struggling and need to talk? - Saturday, 29 June 2019

Trying to politely tell people in your way that it’s already 30 minutes past feeding time

Dave’s everything bagel covered in almond butter and homegrown honey

F/27/5'6 [155lb > 143lb = 12lb]. It's been 16 months since my daughter was born and I've been struggling to lose the pregnancy weight while also not relapsing into my bulimia (2.5 years recovered). These face gains took 5 difficult months to achieve, but I'm getting there.

F/26/5’7” [210.3lbs > 177.3lbs = 33lbs] I feel so much better, I can’t wait to keep going!

Best part of intermittent fasting is that there’s no lines for food at 3 PM

F/32/5'6" [150lbs>136lbs = 14lbs] 10 week progress

Night shifts are killing me right now! All I want to do is eat!! Argh!

23F SW: 132 || CW: 122 || 10 lbs and coming out of a depressive episode has made me feel like myself again!! (16:8, for 2 months)