
Showing posts from October, 2018

[On Track Thursday] Accountability buddies! - Thursday, 01 November 2018

Fattest, fat, skinny fat, skinny working on getting fit. Intermittent fasting works IF you eat at a calorie deficit.

F/26/5’6 [215lbs > 159lbs = 56lbs lost] Been at this weight loss thing for nearly a year and I think I’ve done a pretty good job.

My memory recollection is horrible

The same exact shirt worn 1 year apart from eachother. Been doing IF for just under 5 months and lost almost 60 lbs so far. 213 -> 157 and counting. It works!

F/23/5'11" [200 > 158 = 42 lbs] (13 months) It still feels so strange to wear what I want without being self conscious of how my body looks in every single item of clothing!

If my kid gets home in the feeding window....

Weekly Fasting Average was 20:22!!!!!

At a Halloween party with lots of food, here is my dinner!

F/29/5’8” [255 > 205= 50lbs] Same dress, somewhat cleaner mirror

205 to 188.8. new low! Stopped with cream in coffee and losing weight again! It does matter!

F/27/5’6” [284>184 = 100 pounds] (1 year) Today, I get to say I’m 100 pounds down. I never thought I’d get here. I regained my life as well as my jawline.

F/29/5'8" [300lbs > 155lbs = 145lbs] (18 months) Mostly keto diet, IF with a 4-6 hour eating window, and 4-5 workouts a week, strength and cardio. I've gained some of this back, so I'm posting this as motivation for myself too!

M/6’1”/SW:205lbs CW:165lbs just about 9 months of 20/4 IF

First time posting progress pics! Down 40 lbs in 6 months doing 16:8 and a bit of cardio. Next step is to gain muscle

F/29/5’9” [240.6 > 167.6 = 73lbs] A special Halloween edition of my progress in honor of my favorite holiday!

Started at 280 lb -> now 228 lb, started 16:8 and now OMAD. Results took just over one year!

M/27/5'11" [345lbs > 183lbs] 162lbs lost - 13 from goal

F/26/5'5" [189+ > 142 = 47] (7ish months) '17 work costume vs '18 work costume

M/20/6’2” [250lbs > 195lbs = 55lbs] (18 months) One of the few accomplishments I’m truly proud of!

HealthyFood Gif Recipes October, 2018

Coming up on finishing my first fast! It was super easy, and I’m only now feeling hungry!

M/21/6’9 [110kg > 83 kg] 27kg lost in 18 months. A lot of hard work trying to balance diet/exercise/work/university, but I’m so proud to have come this far!

Tips for sticking to a fast

One month of IF! (details in comment)

Started IF 16:8 in early October and it’s helped me get over the 125 hump! 0.8 to go until GW

F/26/5'8" [243.6lbs>169.4lbs] I found this picture from when I was at my biggest the other day and I can't believe that it's me. I've gone from never working out to running my first 10k a few weeks ago!

M/18/5'9 [100>140=+40 lbs] Becoming the person I wish I was my entire childhood is the most inspirational thing

I'm sick of people who look at me strange when I say I'm fasting today, what you don't eat for a day, not even fruit or a shake? No because that defeats the who idea of fasting.

The first day after a weekend long binge is the hardest.

29/F/5'10" - 222 -> 182 | 40LB Loss | Used 16/8 IF as a tool to make sticking to calorie goal SO much easier

Witless Wednesday - Your weekly silly questions thread

Slightly disappointed...

F/28/159cm [86.5kg > 59kg = 27.5kg/~60lbs] (11 months) I weigh 9kg less now than I did when I was 14. You can do anything in a year if you set your mind to it! Happy Halloween!

F/23/5’0” [180 lbs > 120 lbs = 60 lbs] I lost 1/3 of myself in 10 months!

[Wardrobe Wednesday] What are you wearing? - Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Hi Everyone!

F/23/5'3" [137lb > 119lb = 18lb loss] Not an amazing amount compared to some amazing members here but still! After about 3 months of CICO and casual jogging, I'm really happy with how its gone. Losing the rabbit teeth won't be so easy! :)

M/24/6'3" [231 lbs - 185lbs = - 46 pounds] Tryna build up that lean muscle a bit more. Gone from an XL to a M shirt. Feels good.

How do you setup a good meal plan?

Jason Fung Fasting stats

M/26/6’3” [352lbs > 252lbs] 100 lbs Lost

Boyfriend cooked salmon, roasted asparagus, and baby potatoes for dinner. Phenomenal!

F/22/5’5 [330 lbs > 280 lbs = 50 lbs down] 10 months. The first photo was two weeks before I was diagnosed with diabetes and the second one was today, the day after I found out I’ve gone into remission! I’ve gone down three shirt sizes! Thanks for all the inspiration.

In love with OMAD!

Can calcium deficiency lead to gum bleeding ? Toothache ? How to know when to see the doctor ?

M/22/5'7 [110lbs -> 150lbs] 5 Year Natural Transformation (17-22 in this photo). Holy hell it was a long journey but I am very happy I took the first step! Don't give up on yourself and do not ever think about quitting. I cannot believe that I used to be the guy on the left!

IF with a physically demanding job

F/39/5’8”[201>163=38lbs] Face gains!! 😍🤘

Will a restricted diet affect my studies?

Immunity Paste

29/f 5’9 228.8>202.6 = -26.2 Cico, intermittent fasting and exercise 6 days a week. My goal of 30 pounds by Nov 9 when my husband graduates Navy basic is so so close. Definitely going to have to push through these last few days for maximum weight loss since I’m averaging -3.7 pounds per week.

F/29/5'2" [155lb > 128 lb = 30lb] (8 months) Staying Motivated for the Home Stretch - so close to my goal and focusing on how far I've come!

Two weeks in, feeling great, just wanted to share a laugh with y’all!

F/27/5’6” [360 > 310 = 50lbs][3 months] I still have a ways to go but excited about my progress so far!

Anything wrong with 18:6?

I've been doing IF for almost 2 years now, I'm 5'8" and started at 264 pounds. I'm currently between 170-175 regularly and going lower weekly and have always done 16:8. No one ever believes me when I tell them I used to be big but that face don't lie!